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Kevin Locke (Tokeya Inajin)

Kevin Locke (Tokeya Inajin is his Lakota name, meaning 'The First to Arise') is known throughout the world as a visionary Hoop Dancer, the preeminent player of the indigenous Northern Plains flute, a traditional storyteller, cultural ambassador, recording artist and educator.

Kevin is Lakota (Hunkpapa Band of Lakota Sioux) and Anishinabe.It was from his mother, Patricia Locke (1991 MacArthur Foundation Grant winner), his uncle Abraham End-of-Horn, mentor Joe Rock Boy, and many other elders and relatives that Kevin received training in the values, traditions and language of his native culture for which he works tirelessly. While his early instructions were received from his immediate family and community, from his extending family in every part of the world Kevin has learned many lessons in global citizenship and how we each can draw from our individual heritages to create a vibrant, evolving global civilization embracing and celebrating our collective heritage.

Kevin Locke's concerts and presentations at performing arts centers, festivals, schools, universities, conferences, state and national parks, monuments and historic sites, powwows and reservations number in the hundreds annually. Approximately 80% of his presentations are shared with children. He is a dance and musical hero and role model for youth around the world. His special joy is working with childrens on the reservations to ensure the survival and growth of indigenous culture.

Read more about Kevin's fascinating story and services at including how to book him for an event.

Links to Kevin Locke's web sites and projects:

Purchase Kevin Locke's Music here: Music Store